In line with the MS direction of Ihsan, the chapters and episodes produced by the Context Lens committee this year surrounds the three pillars of Ihsan: Individual, Family and Community. A total of 9 episodes surrounding these pillars were discussed.
The episodes published under the pillar "Individual" focused on topics such as redefining beauty, what it means to be a good Muslim and halal dating Given the complexity of these topics, these episodes were also graced by the presence of asatizahs such as Ustazah Syariati, who shared advices and knowledge on these topics.
There were two episodes published under the "Family" pillar. These episodes aim to seek ways emulate the Prophet's PBUH ways of handling with loss and grief, as well strengthening family ties. The final two episodes under the "Community" pillar were published in line with Ramadhan and Eid, which explored the beauty in the diversity of Islam and the significance of providing good to the community.
Listen to the episodes here.